Our blog has moved to: http://www.debcannonfam.typepad.com/
No, our family hasn't moved to a new home. . . . This blog has moved to a new home. I wanted a new look and some additional features that Blogger doesn't offer, so I started researching other blog hosts. After accidentally letting a virus infiltrate and crash our computer when I was looking at new backgrounds on "The Cutest Blog on the Block," I got serious about moving.
After doing a lot of research and "comparison shopping," (although Jesse still thinks this is a spontaneous, not carefully-thought-out, move) I decided to try TypePad. I am very happy with the results: the more professional look, the photo albums directly linked to the blog, the "pages."
Please try it out. The old features like "Quote of the Week" and "News Flash" are "pages" listed on the left side bar; I even added a new one titled "Tender Mercies." Click on a photo album featured on the sidebar to see new pictures (you can click on the blog title at the top of the photo pages to return to the blog). I am still trying to figure out the best way to post videos (currently it is a hyperlink which opens separately in your default media player), though, so I welcome your feedback.
I tried to keep as much of the old url address as possible to make it easy on you. Visit us at our new home: