Hello, again! So I have a better excuse this time for the long time between posts: our computer's power box died when a transformer blew. It took us a week and a half to: confirm the power box had died, order a new one, and install it. So what did I do with myself during the time the computer was down?
Oddly enough, we did perfectly well for the first five years of our marriage without an updated computer and internet. But, in the last two years we have come to rely on the computer for TV and video viewing, banking and budgeting, calendaring, pictures and blogging, and keeping up with current events. Oh, and email, of course.
Well, without access to the computer, I listened to NPR to keep up with current events, read the Book of Mormon daily to keep up with the Hinckley Challenge (see hinckleychallenge.com), had to visit the ATM several times to view my checking account balance to (try to) keep my spending in check, checked out books from the library (after paying our huge fine accrued over our Christmas vacation because we forgot to renew the books), bought about twenty books for $2 at the used book sale at the library (great deal!!!), and reconnected our TV to our home theater system (which doesn't like to load DVDs as well as it once used to).
What have I learned from all this? I did find ways to keep up with most of my connections to the world, but I have come to rely completely on the computer for certain things. There was no way to replace email, which is the sole means of communication I have with several individuals and certain groups. I nearly went insane without Quicken and online banking. But most of the other things could be replaced with something better that doesn't distract me from caring for my children and tending to the house.
Of course, I sound wise from my experience, knowing full well that Jesse and I spent most of the morning budgeting in Quicken (while ignoring the boys), and that when I finish typing this sentence, I need to read the book I promised to read Josh because he was starting to find his own (unacceptable) things to do. Cheerio:)
1 comment:
Glad your back! I hear ya about the internet - it's amazing we survived for all those years/centuries without it. Three cheers for modern technology!
I liked your insights on life without it though. There's still work to be done and FUN to be had with or without the computer.
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