Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Would You Believe . . . ?

. . . that this tomato plant was ten inches tall when I brought it home from Georgia? We visited Jesse's sister Rochelle and her family over Mothers' Day weekend; the gift from the ward was a tomato vine starter. Jesse encouraged me to take one, although I was convinced it would not survive the trip home. Six months later it is as tall as our fence (sorry the glare cuts off the top of the photo) and is producing like crazy. The cooler weather (i.e., seventy-five degrees vs. ninety-plus degrees) and shorter amount of direct sunlight has slowed the ripening time, but my friend assures me I can ripen them on my counter.

The first of the ripened tomatoes:


Diane said...

I'm jealous, YUM!

Gina Rochelle said...

Yeah, mine did awesome too! WE had great tomatos for months but then frost came and killed the plants (I bought 2 more). I ripened some of my tomatoes on the windowsill which worked fine but not quite as tasty as the vine-ripened.